• Mán - Fös 8:00 - 17:00
  • Klettháls 3, 110 Reykjavík
  • +354 540-4980

Pioner plastbátar

Sigldu á vit ævintýranna
kr.1 970 000

Pioner 14 Active Advanced Edition

Pioner 14 Active Advanced Edition

Pioner 14 Active plastbátur

The Pioner 14 Active is one of our latest models. It combines classic lines and good driving comfort with modern details and a handsome finish.

The hull has pre-drilled holes for rigging. There is practical storage space on the port side for boat hooks and fishing rods etc. On the starboard side is space for small items such as mobile phones and wallet etc. The boat also has battery space, space for a fuel tank under the aft thwart, and two storage compartments under the mid thwart. The boat has excellent buoyancy, a high deck level and is ideally suited to today’s four-stroke engines. The high freeboard ensures a dry and comfortable boat trip even in slightly rougher waves. The Pioner 14 Active is a spacious boat that seats four people and offer plenty of boating pleasure for active boat lovers.

Hafðu samband í síma 540-4980 eða info@yamaha.is og fáðu nánari upplýsingar.


Aukabúnaður með þessum bát:

Console, windscreen, windscreen rail, rail fore, rail stern, ladder, cushion set, A-frame with back support.

ATH. myndir geta sýnt bátinn með aukabúnaði sem ekki er innifalinn í verði á þessum bát.
Hafðu samband við sérfræðinga Pioner og YAMAHA fyrir frekari upplýsingar.

Pioner 14 Active
Plastbátur Léttur
Módel týpa Pioner 14 Active
Ábyrgð 2 ár
Tegund Plastbátur
Hámarks hestöfl 25hp
Hámarks wött á mótor 18,7
Lengd 4,11m
Breidd 1,73m
Þyngd 220 kg

YAM 275 Air gúmmíbátur

Svona getur þú náð í okkur

Senda fyrirspurn




